Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be Oklahoma residents.
  • In general, applicants for OSAI 2024 (June 8-23, 2024) must be at least 15 years old by September 1, 2024. (i.e., Students may be as young as 14 during OSAI as long as they turn 15 by September 1, 2024.)
  • The vast majority of current 9th-12th graders can apply. Graduating seniors up to age 19 are still eligible.
  • The earliest most students are eligible to attend OSAI is the summer after their freshman year of high school. (Current freshman who will not be 15 by September 1, 2024 may still be eligible to audition. Please call our office at 405.605.7500 for more information.)

How to Apply

To apply for the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, applicants must submit an online application and upload audition materials online.

1. Learn the basics of OSAI.
Explore the FAQ page to learn more about OSAI and the audition process.
2. Read the audition requirements for your artistic discipline(s).
Tap or click the following links to review each discipline's audition requirements and guidelines: acting, chorus, creative writing, dance, drawing & painting, film & video, orchestra, photography.
3. Create an account and complete the online application (including uploading your audition material.) by February 12, 2024 at 11:59 P.M.
To complete your application, you must pay the $25 non-refundable audition fee for each discipline's application using our secure online system. We accept credit cards, debit cards, cash, checks, and purchase orders. (Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify.)

Selection Process & Evaluation Procedures

All applicants, whether accepted, not accepted, or selected as an alternate, will be notified via email by April.

Auditions are evaluated by professional artists, educators, and members of the Oklahoma Arts Institute Artistic Advisory Panel. At least three evaluators score each discipline/instrument, and students are selected solely based on those evaluators’ scores.

All auditions are evaluated on a statewide basis. Selection is made at the conclusion of statewide auditions based on audition scores, NOT on applicants’ hometowns or other demographic information.

The audition process should be a positive, educational experience. While nerves inevitably come with new experiences, please know the OAI staff is available to ease your worries and answer any of your questions. Don't hesitate to call or email anytime: 405.605.7500 or

Please also keep in mind that OSAI is very competitive (approximately 1,000 applicants audition each year for 250 spots), and many of our alumni were not selected the first time they auditioned. So if you are not selected this year, please try again next year.

Thank you for auditioning and good luck!