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Konrad Eek, one of our OSAI at Home instructors, has been working with the Arts Institute’s photography program since 1991. In many ways, to know Konrad is to know Quartz Mountain. We recently caught up with him to ask about his days as a young artist.
What were you like in high school?
In high school, I was a naive little dweeb. I was 6’3” tall and 135 pounds. If I turned sideways and stuck out my tongue, I looked like a zipper.
What were some of the first things you photographed? And what kind of images do you make now?
Very early on, it was mostly journalism—school paper, yearbook stuff. Then after years of trying to photograph the landscape, I finally found my way to 4x5 film. I also did a lot of alternate process work, and lately, I’ve been doing urban landscapes.
Looking back, what advice would you give to your younger artist self?
Make more photos of what’s happening around you. And wait on making those landscape photos until you figure out how a 4x5 camera works.
What do you think makes an artist successful? Not necessarily in a financial way, but successful in that they are living up to their full creative potential?
Never stop honing your craft. As a photographer, I immerse myself in the photos of the masters. I glean what I can from all who have gone before and from those that are still working today. Remember that you are a work in progress.
Who is your favorite photographer or media maker? Or an artist in another discipline who has inspired you lately?
It’s so hard to name one photographer, as I’ve been blessed to work with so many great ones. As far as other mediums go, as a framer, I work with a host of really talented artists. Watching their work evolve is a source of great inspiration.
How do you get through stressful times, like the one we’re in now?
I’ve been really blessed with an amazing wife, a beautiful secluded garden, and enough work to stay afloat. I also have an amazing circle of fun, supportive, and truly interesting friends. And finally, I’m pretty good at accepting what I cannot change, most days…
To read Konrad’s full bio and meet the other OSAI at Home instructors and guest artists, follow the link below.