OSAI alum Emily Habeck (Acting 2004-07) released her debut novel, Shark Heart, this summer and will be signing copies in Oklahoma City in...
As a two-time OSAI chorus student, Danner McGarrah understands that music has the capacity to lift spirits and change lives. We chatted with him during OSAI 2023 to...
Deadline: March 1, 2023
Want to see your t-shirt design worn by people across Oklahoma in support of the Oklahoma Arts Institute? Enter our contest to design...
It's been another exciting year at the Oklahoma Arts Institute! We've welcomed new faces, said goodbye to old friends, and continued to prove why Oklahoma's Official...
Since the very first Oklahoma Fall Arts Institute (OFAI) took place in 1983, artists and educators have flocked to Quartz Mountain for the opportunity to learn from...
Misty Gamble
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX
OFAI Instructor - Ceramics: Focus on the...
Stay updated on OAI news and program enrollment deadlines.